WildAid https://wildaid.org/ When the buying stops, the killing can too. Tue, 23 Apr 2024 20:04:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://wildaid.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/cropped-wildaid-corp-favicon-150x150.png WildAid https://wildaid.org/ 32 32 Traditional Chinese Medicine Leaders Advocate for Wildlife Protection and Sustainable Practices https://wildaid.org/traditional-chinese-medicine-leaders-advocate-for-wildlife-protection-and-sustainable-practices/ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 07:00:43 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5871 [Mineola, New York, April 19] – Last week, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners, researchers, educators, and distributors from around the world gathered to launch a new initiative to preserve global biodiversity by committing themselves to abstain from using endangered species in their healing practices. The Coalition for Wildlife Protection in TCM was launched at a meeting … Continue reading "Traditional Chinese Medicine Leaders Advocate for Wildlife Protection and Sustainable Practices"

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6 Earth Day Actions You Can Take Right Now https://wildaid.org/6-earth-day-actions-to-take-now/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 21:51:08 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5867 Every day, our actions and lifestyle choices ripple across the globe, influencing the natural world in profound ways. From the food we eat to how we wash our clothes, the collective impact of these decisions can either harm or heal our planet. As we face a climate crisis that threatens a third of all species … Continue reading "6 Earth Day Actions You Can Take Right Now"

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Meet WildAid’s New Leadership Team https://wildaid.org/meet-wildaids-new-leadership-team/ Wed, 03 Apr 2024 17:19:25 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5837 San Francisco, April 3, 2024 – WildAid, the trailblazing wildlife conservation nonprofit committed to reshaping human behavior to protect wildlife and vital habitats, is delighted to announce its dynamic leadership team poised to spearhead growth and amplify its influence.   Leading the charge is Meaghan Brosnan, Chief Executive Officer, a renowned expert in global marine enforcement … Continue reading "Meet WildAid’s New Leadership Team"

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Wang Yibo Teams up with WildAid to Spread Hope for Chinese Pangolins https://wildaid.org/wang-yibo-teams-up-with-wildaid-to-spread-hope-for-chinese-pangolins/ Mon, 01 Apr 2024 22:25:25 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5823 Chinese pangolins are making a comeback! WildAid ambassador Wang Yibo teamed up with us for our latest campaign in China, spreading the good news and encouraging the public to help keep up the momentum by saying no to all pangolin products. Pangolins are one of the most unique animals in the world with their armor-like … Continue reading "Wang Yibo Teams up with WildAid to Spread Hope for Chinese Pangolins"

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NGOs Call on National Assembly of Thailand to Stop Serving Shark Fin https://wildaid.org/ngos-call-on-national-assembly-of-thailand-to-stop-serving-shark-fin/ Thu, 14 Mar 2024 01:00:19 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5813 March 13, 2023 (Bangkok, Thailand) – WildAid and Love Wildlife Foundation submitted an open letter to the President of the National Assembly of Thailand to seek their urgent attention and action to cease serving and consuming shark fin at Parliament House and on celebratory occasions. This call comes after Dr. Tossaporn Serirak, a Member of … Continue reading "NGOs Call on National Assembly of Thailand to Stop Serving Shark Fin"

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Uganda Border Officials ‘Join the Team’ to Defend Africa’s Wildlife https://wildaid.org/uganda-border-officials-join-the-team-to-defend-africas-wildlife/ Tue, 12 Mar 2024 18:30:08 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5810 Officials at seven of Uganda’s busiest border crossings have enthusiastically welcomed a new campaign to prevent the illegal trade in wildlife products. WildAid, in collaboration with Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), conducted stakeholder engagement meetings at the border crossings around the country as part of the landmark  “Join Our Team! Defend Our … Continue reading "Uganda Border Officials ‘Join the Team’ to Defend Africa’s Wildlife"

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Vision4 and WildAid Announce Launch of Wild Cameroon, a New TV Show All About Nature https://wildaid.org/vision4-and-wildaid-announce-wild-cameroon/ Tue, 12 Mar 2024 00:02:32 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5808 Vision4 and WildAid have announced the launch of Wild Cameroon, a new debate show discussing the country’s spectacular natural heritage and how best to protect it. Wild Cameroon is a 45-minute show covering all the hot topics around conservation, wildlife and the environment, with some of Cameroon’s leading experts in conservation joined by government officials, representatives … Continue reading "Vision4 and WildAid Announce Launch of Wild Cameroon, a New TV Show All About Nature"

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Celebrating the Role of Animals in Creating a Healthy Planet on World Wildlife Day https://wildaid.org/how-animals-shape-our-planet-world-wildlife-day/ Fri, 01 Mar 2024 23:30:19 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5796 From the smallest plankton to apex predators like lions, animals play a critical role in maintaining environmental stability. Through their actions, they contribute to the dispersal of essential elements, such as fungi, bacteria, nutrients, and water vapor, which enable ecosystems to function properly. They help in the pollination of plants, seed dispersal, and nutrient cycling … Continue reading "Celebrating the Role of Animals in Creating a Healthy Planet on World Wildlife Day"

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Spotted Seal Comics: A Fresh Approach to Promoting Marine Conservation https://wildaid.org/spotted-seal-comics-marine-conservation/ Wed, 07 Feb 2024 01:03:42 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5778 Inspiring people to take action for conservation requires innovative strategies for connection. This year, we employed a new avenue to inspire the public to take action for marine wildlife in China: a comic book. Spotty and Neighbors centers around the adventures of three spotted seals, intertwining humorous narratives with essential conservation messages. The comic series … Continue reading "Spotted Seal Comics: A Fresh Approach to Promoting Marine Conservation"

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Researchers Find Endangered Shark Species in Thailand’s Shark Fin Trade https://wildaid.org/researchers-find-endangered-shark-species-in-thailands-shark-fin-trade/ Wed, 20 Dec 2023 20:24:26 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5744 Bangkok, December 20, 2023 – WildAid, together with a team of researchers including those from Thailand’s King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) and the country’s Department of Fisheries, unveiled alarming findings from a DNA analysis study of shark fin products sold in Thailand. The report revealed that a shocking 62% of the fins sampled … Continue reading "Researchers Find Endangered Shark Species in Thailand’s Shark Fin Trade"

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‘Join Our Team! Defend Our Wildlife’ campaign expands to Uganda’s borders https://wildaid.org/join-our-team-defend-our-wildlife-campaign-expands-to-ugandas-borders/ Mon, 18 Dec 2023 18:31:18 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5741 Uganda Wildlife Authority and Uganda Revenue Authority, with support from WildAid, are expanding their landmark campaign to prevent the illegal trade in wildlife products to reach 14 border posts around Uganda. The “Join Our Team! Defend Our Wildlife” campaign aims to raise awareness of the value of wildlife to Uganda’s economy and help law enforcement … Continue reading "‘Join Our Team! Defend Our Wildlife’ campaign expands to Uganda’s borders"

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WildAid’s 2022-2023 Impact Report https://wildaid.org/impact-report-2022-2023/ Fri, 08 Dec 2023 21:30:01 +0000 https://wildaid.org/?p=5706 This Impact Report covers a remarkable period of evolution and acceleration for WildAid, in which we have delivered outsized impact with an unprecedented return on investment, proving once again that we are like no other conservation organization. We implemented a bold new strategic plan and expanded our mission, building on WildAid’s historic success in inspiring … Continue reading "WildAid’s 2022-2023 Impact Report"

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